OSU students from numerous disciplines increasingly travel to Africa to study.
Some participate in short or long-term programs arranged through their departments and OIA.
Other students participate in other institutions programs, or arrange their own independent study, internships, field experience, or research.
Current OSU Programs
- ATI Arts and Service Learning-Ghana
- Francophone Africa: Between Tradition and Modernity (Senegal)
- Sustainable and Resilient Tanzanian Community
- Between France and Morocco: Diversity in the Francophone World
- Uganda Global May
Current Specialized Programs
- Genocide and its Aftermath in Rwanda
- Engineering Service Learning – Ghana
- Exotic Animal Behavior and Welfare – South Africa
- Nursing Experience in Ethiopia
- Tropical Animal Husbandry and Health-Cameroon
Short term programs for STEP students are available in Ghana, Tanzania, and Uganda.
Many alternative programs in Africa are also available through non-OSU providers.
For the comprehensive list, visit Education Abroad’s Search Programs.
Population and Health in Sub-Saharan Africa, led by Dr. Sam Clark, is a new month-long experiential learning program in South Africa.
It provides students with a broad understanding of health and population issues affecting Africa, with a specific emphasis on South Africa.