International Scholars and Education Abroad
CAS’s two large signature programs over the last several years have been through State Department’s Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) grants. The Capacity Building in Study Abroad in Ethiopia grant piloted an undergraduate education abroad program and organized 35 exchange visits between OSU, University of Gondar, & Addis Ababa University to improve teaching, distance learning, & international education administration. CAS’s hosting of the Mandela Washington Fellowship Institute engaged 25 young professionals with people & units across campus and in the community, very often in the context of OSU Discovery themes. Over the last few years CAS has developed and two new study abroad programs, in Uganda and Ethiopia, using OIA and State Department grant funds. CAS has also lead discussion and inquiry into the burgeoning international service and experiential learning sector.
Africanist and Diaspora Youth Engagement
Student interest in Africa has increased palpably over the last several years. Students drawn to addressing the continent’s problems are seeking better understanding through courses, study abroad and extra-curricular activities such as African Youth League (AYL) and Model African Union (MAU). This is particularly true with OSU’s large community of students from the African Diaspora, who are passionate about their particular roles and responsibilities in African development. There is increased connection with their peers in Africa, making for powerful potential synergies in the “Africa Rising” mode. CAS has led and co-sponsored dialogue on identity, development, and other aspects of youth-led engagement and professional orientation. CAS advises the Model African Union Club and helped launch a 3-credit MAU course.
Yoruba Studies Development

The study of Yoruba language and culture will enjoy renewed attention and funding in the future at OSU, through a donation in memory of the late Professor Oyekan Owomoyela, a Yorừbá scholar and philanthropist, and established through CAS. The endowment will enhance the libraries’ collection of Yoruba literature, culture and language, organize conferences and symposia, promote student and faculty research at OSU, in the Yoruba homeland of Western Nigeria; and in other parts of West Africa and the Yoruba diaspora. A variety of rollout events and a fundraiser with the Yoruba Club 21, a community civic organization, raised $15,000 with which to begin programming in the near term.