CAS Visit to Ohio University on June 20

June 27, 2024

CAS Visit to Ohio University on June 20

CAS ASP Visit Picture

On June 20, CAS was hosted by Ohio University’s African Studies Program (ASP) and Center for International Studies (CIS) for a full day of discussions aimed at restoring ASP-CAS-CIS partnership. 

Upon arriving at Yamada House on campus, CAS was warmly greeted by Dr. Catherine Cutcher, the associate director of the Center for International Studies, who escorted us to meet Professor Ghirmia Negash, the director of OU’s African Studies Center.  We were then joined by Professor Haley Duschinski, the director of the Center for International Studies.  Together, we held our introductory talks after which our hosts led us on a tour of Yamada House and OU’s Alden Library. 

Following the tour, we were escorted to meet Professor Matt Ando, the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at Wilson Hall.  Dean Ando greeted us enthusiastically and was briefed by Professor Negash on the purpose and objective of our visit.  Dean Ando was supportive and at the end of our discussion, he offered assistance from his office as needed.  Next on the agenda, CIS and ASP treated us to a delicious working lunch with a cross section of OU’s Africanist faculty.  Our discussions involved learning about each other’s programs and exploring avenues of collaboration.  The session was very energetic and new friendships were established.

Before our final discussion with ASP and CIS, we were invited to the Office of Ohio University Press for talks with Beth Pratt, the director, and Ricky Huard the editor in chief.  The visit was a success for all involved.  We renewed our partnership and more significantly, new friendships were established.  Next, CAS is hosting ASP and CIS at the Ohio State University, stay tuned!

In the picture from left to right is Dr. Jacien Carr, Dr. Ousman Kobo, Dr. Catherine Cutcher, Pittaya Paladroi-Sahne (Ph.D. candidate), Professor Ghirmia Negash, and Professor Haley Duschinski.